Thursday, July 10, 2008

deep fried pancakes, anyone?

So here we are sitting in the little internet cafe after a long, full day of dance classes, music classes, and visiting another ministry. It's been a day full of mixed emotions, as many days seem to be. We laugh and enjoy our time here, but our hearts break so often for the women and children we work with. If they didn't we probably wouldn't be here right now.
But even after such a full day I can't help but realize that we have so little time left here. Part of me is ready to come home. I'm ready for a hot shower or a good chai tea latte in an air conditioned Starbucks. I'm ready to see the people I love and miss so much. But another part, a bigger part I think, isn't ready to leave. There are so many things that I'll miss here. I'll miss calling out "speed bump!" as we go over the only speed bump in the city on our tuk-tuk rides with "Daddy Durn." I'll miss seeing "monks on a moto" and the smiling faces of the Cambodian people. I'll certainly miss our cook's singing and laughing and the patient hours she spent teaching us Khmer. Even more, I'll miss spending every day with these five wonderful girls that I've grown to love and trust so much. We've been through so much together - from deep frying pancakes in a wok to crying and praying with each other. These girls hold such a special place in my heart and I'll miss them so much. But what I'll miss most is the girls and women we've met here. I don't want to ever forget our silly dancing to Usher and Step Up or learning how to make flowers out of icing or the stories they've shared. I came here with the intention of serving and encouraging these beautiful girls and they've done the same for me - probably more than they'll ever know.
But we're not leaving just yet! We still have some time left :) and I intend to use it wisely. I don't want to spend any more time wishing I was somewhere else. God brought me here. He wants to use me to do His work. He doesn't need me but he chose me - us - anyway and I want to respect that choice by doing the best I can. So I'm challenging myself to remember that each moment I experience is a moment I can't get back. Whether it's good or bad I want to do my best to cherish it because it's a part of my life that could help to shape me and I know that no matter what is happening in that moment, God is right there holding my hand and laughing or crying along with me.
Please continue to pray for us. We miss you all back at home :)
And happy birthday Daniel and Carlos!

- Katie

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