Saturday, June 14, 2008


Tonight, Alisa and Libbie and I will pack up my car, leave Redding, and head down to Oakhurst (my hometown by Yosemite) for the remaining two days before our trip! Then my mom will drive us to the SF airport on Tuesday where we'll meet up with Pakou, Katie, and Cassie...
I am stoked! It all seems so surreal as I sit here in my cozy Shasta Creek apartment... but this morning, reality is creeping closer in, and it surprises me that I'm meeting it with more joy and excitement than stark-raving-mad fear! (amazing how God can change your heart over the course of time). Sure...there are a few frightening things...and a few things left to do (like... PACK!!! -mom knows, I hate packing-), but overall, it's like the clicking of a roller-coaster car's safety restraint... coming down agonizingly slow but once it's finally in place, you know it's all for the better. Then what can you do but be stoked?! (unless you have a phobia of probably have no idea what I'm talking about and are thinking, "Jenna, you're nuts--GET OFF THE ROLLER COASTER!!!) haha, but I like roller coasters, and this is my analogy, so just go with it. ;). Anyway, I can't believe it's actually being set into motion tonight...

But for all the support we've gotten from those here in Redding, oh my gosh, THANK YOU! Simpson as a whole, of course, but Simpson Central and the Student Development office, Spiritual Formation, Student Outreach, Student Activities, Student Missions, the ever-encouraging faculty and staff, Rich, Donna, Joe, Grethe, the RD's, the Carters, Lorene, Emily, and on and on the list goes... Also, the Redding Community that we are each a part of--the Stirring, Yaks, the Hoffman household, Little Country Church, Risen King, Castle Craggs, Starbucks (we've spent a lot of bonding time there), even the lady in line at Michael's... And our friends and mentors within many of these places... Nate, Erica, Derrick, Becky, Wendy, Sarah, Kandice, Jamie, Josh, Kristena, Meghan--our LIFE GROUPS (here's a shout out!)... To you ALL, we are so grateful. And I'm only speaking for about half of our team! Pakou's in Merced, Katie's in New Jersey, Cassie was in Sac. and is in Georgia right now...I know they have had encouragement and prayer from supporters there as well.

SO. When I say I am "stoked," I mean it! Because there's nothing quite as "stoking" to a fire as heaps of supporting coal being thrown onto it. Again, my analogy. You may have a phobia of a certain element in it... but you get the picture.

Now, I need to stop delaying the inevitable for today.
Here's to packing! (Woo hoo...)




Sarah said...

I'm so glad that I could help you with your much hated packing activity. You can now click your rollar coaster harness with the assuradness that you are packed and ready to go! Yay!!!!

pakou said...

wow katie! sounds like you had quite a day.. i really hope everything turns out the second time around..i'll be praying for you! see you on tuesday! MY GOSH WE'RE LEAVING IN 2 DAYS!!!! *yea, i'm freaking out just a little bit lol miss you!

Loganbear said...

Today is traveling day. Libbie, sleep as much as you possibly can on the plane, I know you haven't been feeling well. That e-mergency will come in handy- Yummy. I am so excited for all you today, I am sending you prayers of health, strength, safety and open hearts. All of you will be an inspriational and empowering influence on the people you meet along this journey. Your sincere passion will shine through and your love will bring hope to these girls. I am so proud of you! I have added your blog to my favorites, I will check it everyday. Travel safe. Love you libbie lue!
Love, Logan

The Trip