Friday, June 20, 2008

Some more thanks

Hey all,
Well, as Cassie said, we're safe here in the Kingdom of Cambodia (awesome)! And as today is officially our second full day at Daughters...things are becoming a little more at peace in our spirits I think. Not that we are becoming less "affected" by all that surrounds us here, but God is assuring us each hour that He is in this place, and that we are most assuredly in His hands.

Oh my gosh--we met the girls yesterday--they are LOVELY (that's my new favorite word, as the Daughters director, Ruth, uses it to describe them!). They are ever-so curious about us and even more accepting than I had anticipated--perhaps that was my American egocentric side worrying about that. But they asked us to pray for them yesterday, shortly after we got to sing a few songs to them at their church service (which, the services happen on Fridays at 1 every week). It was awesome, because they didn't care about the language barrier, they were just so hungry for love and prayer, they just wanted us to speak to God over them! It's humbling to hear questions like, "Can God really change me? Can He really change my life?"--they are so desperate for Him to do that... while sometimes, I really don't want want Him to.

Oh, and Ruth took us to a UN meeting/panel thingy last night, where representatives were talking about the issues of elections and human rights in Cambodia. I can't say it was most exciting time (at least, not until the MONSOON HIT AND ALMOST STRUCK THE BUILDING WITH LIGHTNING! we loved it ;), but it was fascinating to listen to how those kinds of issues are talked about here... especially human rights. We look around and judge, thinking, "Do they even have any?" But God knows it goes so much deeper than we see.

Anyway, our time here in the internet cafe (with stalls of bamboo) is almost up, and I wish I could tell more stories (there are already so many--so many blessings, so many challenges), but here's a shout out to my life group (thanks for the comment meghan!), and some love to my dear dear friends (you know who you are), and much much more thanks to everyone who is thinking about us and praying for our time here!
PLEASE, keep the prayers coming. We are so aware of how desperately we need them everyday.

Peace to you our family of Christ,



Stacy Viss said...

Hey Lovely Ladies!
I have been reading your blogs and have been thinking and praying for you often. Your bookmark keeps my place in my devotional so I would not forget to pray for you. A few things have happened in the past few days that have caused my heart to be saddened but it brings me great joy to think about what you ladies are doing for the Kingdom in Cambodia. May the Lord fill you with his love, joy, and strength.

Alexandra Michel said...

Wow!!! just a few days and already too much has happened to write it all in five long paragraphs. dang!! Ruth sounds Amazing!!!

Dealish said...

Fun news: I had my friends from Cambodia give me a call today! I am thinking of you ladies and praying for you ladies. I hope you love Cambodia and soak your days and times in prayer and fun and relationship building. Peace,

Anonymous said...

You girls are doing amazing work there and I am so excited for the ways God will use you. In Uganda we saw the desperate need for healing among women who have been sexually taken advantage of, it was so encouraging knowing you guys were going to make a difference for these women. You will hear many heart breaking stories, but always remember God is all the need for healing. That everything they will ever need is God, and you are there to bring that to them. He has "the whole wide world in his hands" and he loves these women endlessly. I am super excited for you girls, let God use you and amazing things will happen.
Melissa Lloyd (Team Uganda)

Meghan said...

Jenna, your blog gave me the chills! God is working through you, even with the language barrier. That is so HUGE and AWESOME. I'm so excited for you and the team! I'm going next time! Thanks for keeping us updated. We are interceding for you! (I invented interceding, sooooo I'm pretty good at it.-haha!) Love ya!

mara love said...

Jenna, Cassie, and girls~ I just read through your blogs and am so proud of you for fully letting God use and work through you! I couldn't help but think that I wish I was with you serving! Keep up the amazing work of our Lord. You are all loved and missed by many of us back home! Cassie & Jenna... as I read your blogs, I feel as if we're having a conversation cuz the way you write sounds just like you talk. I love you both so and hope you have the times of your lives. Keep going girls!

~mara =)

The Trip